The Ministry of Records, the newest bureaucracy of Kronosaur Productions, is now in charge of the tracking, collating, and indexing all corporate records.

The most important responsibility of the Ministry is to track bugs and feature requests for all our products. You can contribute to the Ministry's mission by promptly submitting all requests using the proper form. This article describes the relevant protocols.

Submitting a Request

Anyone may submit a bug report or feature request to the Ministry. Sign in to Ministry with your Kronosaur account and navigate to the proper program to submit a request.

  • Transcendence Dev tracks all Transcendence bugs and feature requests, including engine enhancements, Corporate Command, Eternity Port and all other related products. Visit the program and create a new record.
  • Anacreon Dev tracks all Anacreon bugs and feature requests.
  • Multiverse Dev captures records related to the Multiverse website, including the payment system.
  • Ministry Dev tracks bugs and enhancements related to the Ministry of Records.
  • We will also create one or more programs to hold requests for third-party mods, including those on Xelerus. The Registered Developer Team will work out the details and post when we're ready.

The full list of available programs is on the left-hand navigation bar in the Ministry.

Checking the Status of a Request

The Ministry home page shows a list of the requests you've made (for all programs). Requests will be handled, roughly, in order of importance, as determined by the program's development team.

When the development team is finished handling a request, the request will be marked as "resolved" and you'll see the new status on your list of requests. A request can be marked as resolved for many different reasons:

  • The problem has been fixed, to the best of the development team's ability.
  • The feature request has been implemented, as well as possible.
  • There is not enough information to make progress on the request.
  • The request is a duplicate (or subset) of a different request.
  • The request is unlikely to be fulfilled in the program's lifetime.

In all cases, the developer will add a comment to the request indicating the resolution.

If you have additional information to provide, or if the request has not been handled to your satisfaction, you may click the "reopen" button to send it back to the development team. In these cases, unless you reopen the request, the development team will not see it in their queue.

In some cases, the development team will add tags to an open request to indicate when they might be resolved. The following are often used:

  • next minor release: This tag indicates that the request is likely to be addressed in the next minor release, generally the next development build, but sometimes later.
  • next major release: This indicates that the request is likely to be handled in the next major stable release.
  • future release: This tag indicates that the request will be addressed at some indeterminate point in the future.

Editing and Commenting on a Request

You may edit your open requests at any time. You may resolve your own requests at any time. If you resolve a request by accident you may reopen it.

You may comment on any request regardless of who created it. We encourage you to comment on requests that you are interested in, even if you did not create them.

Once a request has been resolved to your satisfaction, you may click the archive button to remove it from your list.

Markup Syntax

Requests and comments support a simple markup syntax for basic formatting:




* bullet list
• bullet list

# number list
1. number list

Embedded image

Start code block

End code block

== text ==
Main header

=== text ===

==== text ====